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Letter "S" » Sheldon Brown Quotes
«As long as you're moving forward in a straight line, you'll be OK. But if you have to cut vertically, that can be tough.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«Truthfully, we're like big kids. You know how little kids have no attention spans? Well, ours aren't much better. You leave us out there for hours and hours, you're going to lose us.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«It's hard to listen to negative criticism for a week. But it's good to look it in the face and be a man about it. You need a whipping every now and then to let you know you aren't as good you think you are.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«Everyone wants to say we didn't win championship games without a big-play receiver. Well, our big-play receiver was hurt last year and we won a championship game.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«When I heard the apology, I thought it was sincere. But then Drew opened his mouth and ruined it. It?s sad because it sounded like (Owens) was crying out for help.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«Donovan is the franchise player here. We built this team around him. We're going to go as far as he takes us, so we all have to be behind him, and that's all 52 (teammates).»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«It sounded like he was crying out for help. I think he's sincere in his apology, but it may be too late. He may have burned all his bridges.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«That's why this is all new to me,»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«He was one of my favorite teammates. He worked me like crazy in practice. I'm still trying to figure out the other part of him. It's not about the money with him. But it's the only way he thinks he can talk to the organization, by saying things about the quarterback.»
Author: Sheldon Brown
«Drew had to open his mouth and it ruined everything. Personally, I don't like Drew. The day I'm holding a press conference, my agent is going to be in the back of the room.»
Author: Sheldon Brown

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