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Space: Man or Machine?

Title: Space: Man or Machine?
Category: /Science & Technology/Physics
Details: Words: 719 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Space: Man or Machine?
Space: Man or Machine? For the first time in history, we have reached an area outside Earth. "In the past 10 years, with an aging space shuttle, a costly space station and missions mired in lower Earth orbit, the human program has languished, while the unmanned program has leapfrogged ahead with a string of spectacular feats of engineering and technological skill." (Washington Post) Over the years, NASA has developed amazing advances to help continue our research …showed first 75 words of 719 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 719 total…travel is to integrate man and machine. Each compliments the other for the advance in furthering our knowledge in our solar system. What a machine cannot do, a man can. What a man cannot do, a machine can. Therefore, man and machine should work together for the best results. Part of human nature is to wonder and explore. This will never die down for there will always be something to be found in outer space.

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