essays. term papers, thesis

I Provide Your Grandparents with Designer Drugs.

Title: I Provide Your Grandparents with Designer Drugs.
Category: /Recreation & Sports/Health Care
Details: Words: 1308 | Pages: 5 (approximately 235 words/page)
I Provide Your Grandparents with Designer Drugs.
After a week of delay holding us back from an event that, to us, was something not many students had a chance to do, everything finally worked out and we spent our last period surveying Pennsylvania State University's new York branch website. The site was decent, and it carried a lot of good information with it, but that was not the significance of the visit when all was said and done. As a seemingly random …showed first 75 words of 1308 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1308 total…definitely one that is worth a second look. When the advisor from Penn State told us about bioinformatics as a possible career pathway that fateful day, I had no idea of the relation to reviewing websites, but then it hit me; we were programmers. Works Cited Fuller, Sunshine. Email Interview. 15 Jan. 2002. Haynes, John Ph.D. Email Interview. 11 Jan. 2002. Webb, Stuart. Email Interview. 11 Jan. 2002. 123 Genomics. 123Genomics. 3 Jan. 2002. <>

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