essays. term papers, thesis


Title: Dyslexia
Category: /Social Sciences/Language & Speech
Details: Words: 629 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
My tep is maned pots. He si a doog do88i3. If you are wondering what those two statements were they read, "My pet is named spot. He is a good doggie." This is what a dyslexic would see if given that sentence to read. Dyslexia is a learning disability that directly affects one's ability to read but flipping words or letters around often making it difficult to read and/or comprehend a simple sentence …showed first 75 words of 629 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 629 total…or distorted. Dyslexia is not given to a person based on anything than their genes. In performing everyday tasks such as reading, dyslexics often become frustrated. Even though it is incurable, it is able to be overcome or controlled. In hopes to have educated the reader on dyslexia the writer leaves him or her with a quote from a once famous television cartoon, G.I Joe,"now you know and knowing is half the battle..."

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